RISE with SAP provides the flexibility you need to transform your business in the way that best suits you, and the fulfillment of your specific needs. In addition, it appears as a new transformation package, including portals that will help you find answers to your questions. In short, RISE with SAP is a holistic package where solutions that are suitable for you are offered with a service infrastructure instead of integrating a cloud solution into your company.

So how possible is it for a company that has been storing data with traditional methods until now to switch to the Cloud? This main concern disappears thanks to SAP's new solution, Rise with SAP.

RISE with SAP builds on 3 core strategies: Single Offer, Single Contract, Minimum Cost of Ownership

You can reach the solutions you need to simplify your digital transformation journey in a one package, without making high upfront investments in a single offer.

In a single contract, you can manage SLA, application and support services. 

Thanks to the the minimum cost of ownership, you can get a return on your investment sooner with up to 20% reduction in total cost of ownership within five years.

Today, the direction of the transformation is clear: Cloud technologies!

Digital transformation is a constantly evolving and changing concept. The world points to various processes for companies by integrating technological developments into business life. 

  The cloud takes the burden of “data storage” off your company.
  Since the continuity of this system is provided by the industry-leading SAP, your business processes always remain up-to-date and functional. Instead of you,  we follow the innovations and share them with you.
  Data stored in the Cloud instead of high-volume on-prem devices and servers both eliminates the maintenance costs of the devices and contributes to the environment.

As Vektora, with our more than 20 digital transformation projects and more than 18 years of experience, we are with you to manage your company's transition to the Cloud end-to-end and to support this entire transformation process.      

What Can We Do For You?

 First, we determine the stages of your company's transition to the Cloud, and we decide how ready you are for this journey with Readiness Check.
 Thus, we help you overcome one of the main fears, the tension of “rooted relocation”, and together we decide on the most correct roadmap. We weigh your company and prepare it for the Cloud.
 The speed of change is as important as its direction. Each company prefers to adapt to new technologies at its own pace. With Rise with SAP, you decide this calendar. We offer samples and make our recommendations.

Why RISE with SAP?

While the cloud has started to transform the whole business world like a train and facilitate all stages, you can get your "all inclusive" ticket for a comfortable seat on this train with RISE with SAP. With this ticket, you'll be ready for it as tomorrow's technologies get even faster!

Single Platform
With SAP S4/HANA, you will bring the up-to-date ERP with the highest potential to your company and ensure that your processes are managed from intuitive screens.
Single Contract
You will agree on a single contract for preparation, moving, and later, and you will see that your economic and legal process progresses faster and easier.
Net Financial Gain
We will determine the most suitable ones for you in innovations such as storage, malfunction, plug-in and submit them to your approval; so you won't waste your resources and time tracking potential developments.
SAP Learning Hub
With the SAP Learning Hub, you will be able to access many resources about SAP and find the answer to your basic questions with a simple search.
SAP Business Network Starter Package
With the SAP Business Network Starter Package, you will be intertwined with a huge SAP ecosystem, from many suppliers in the SAP network to business intelligence.

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